Virtues Work by Alexander Cummings

People change over time. It is inevitable, you won’t be able to help it because experience and time does that to people. You will either become a better person, more admired, and more successful or you will slowly become the opposite, and all your wonderful goals will slip out of reach. Are you changing into the person you want to be?

Virtues Work is a clear, informative and entertaining book that explains what the virtues are, the tremendous benefit they offer you, and how to use them easily in daily life. Its lessons and practical tips will be extremely helpful in shaping your life.

Virtues are habits that develop the good within us. They consist of universally admired behaviors such as courage, hope, and prudence. These habits produce a richer, fuller life. Virtues Work lays out a simple, effective program that gently guides you to using the virtues more often.

Virtues Work is concise and clear. It solidifies virtues with:

  • Engaging anecdotes 
  • Easy-to-follow, practical tips
  • Brief “How to Use” sections
  • Tools to stop habits that work against your goals

Virtues Work is available at Amazon, and other book sellers. The preferred way of ordering is through When ordering through 10% of the book’s gross sales will be donated to non-profits that promote virtues education.

About the Author

Alexander Cummings has an MBA from Yale University and worked as a marketing consultant on corporate values programs for Fortune 100 and multinational corporations. He brings his insights from those experiences to the personal level in Virtues Work, a book that will change your habits and how you look at work and your life.